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Amna B

Life is what happens to us while we are making other plans.

Allen Saunders was definitely right when he said that!

I've been MIA for a bit. Week 5 passed and I didn't get a chance to post.

The room is pretty much at the same place as last week- except I did hang up the curtains and hardware.

I typically try to keep this page more design focused and less personal, but I have decided to talk about why I have been missing. Sophia went in for a pretty complex surgery last week, and although it was scheduled in advance, we did not expect recovery to be this rough. This is her second surgery and the previous one, while difficult, was so much easier in comparison. I'm writing this post from the Starbucks at the hospital while she naps with her daddy in her hospital room. For those that don't personally know us or Sophia, she was born with a bilateral cleft lip and bilateral cleft palate. Though shocking and scary when we first found out during my pregnancy, it quickly became something most people that know her never noticed. Her personality is always what people notice. She is outgoing, sociable, and almost always happy. Her first word was hey! and then hi!

*I wish I could insert a corresponding picture right now, but we decided many years ago that any future kids would not be posted online publicly.

**By the way, if you have any questions about her let me know! I am happy to talk about it. Also if you want to donate to a mission trip her surgeon annually takes part in to perform cleft related surgeries free of charge in developing nations, let me know!!

Anyways, now back to the room and the ORC... I do have a few more large items on order or already delivered to the house.

This beautiful Hollywood Glam chandelier is waiting to be hung:

The chairs are still on back order. We should hopefully be home within a couple days now, so I'll keep y'all updated at that point. Even if I don't meet the ORC deadline, I will continue as soon as I can and post progress as well as room pictures.

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